viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012

I'll miss you buddy!

Dear Pieter,

Our farewell was quick. Sorry for being wearing sunglasses all the time but I didn't want you to realize how fucking pussy I am in this sort of situations.You almost missed the train but thanks to the nice train controller you were able to take it!

I just could hug you and say take care while the doors of the train were closing. But this hug and this take care were full of meanings.

I don't want to end my first season without this last chapter.

The first time I came here, you host me like a brother almost without knowing me. Then, February came and, I was here again but for a long period and with my own room. But you also were there for everything I needed. I still remember as if was yesterday, the first afternoon when we went to buy the bike and the lights under -14 degrees outside.

Thanks for be the best English teacher I will ever have. You are the hugest source of knowledge I know. And not just in the language field. I really enjoyed talking with you about everything. You make it interesting.

Thanks for being a musician. Music needs people like you. I am your second best fan because the first place I think it is already occupied. Thanks for the guitar lessons and thanks for the tunner. You don't know how much I appreciate that.

Thanks for making me better person. I really admire the way you are used to do things. Always the most carefully and giving your best. Respecting, Reading, thinking, learning. I would like you to know that you have made me change the point of view and my attitude in front some situations in my current live. Thanks for making me a bit more Pieter!

God dammed thanks for Pirate bay and bit-torrent and...if any god exist, he or she must bless you for showing me DWARF FORTRESS!!
...Beers, KRONKEL, Go!, Lord of the rings, Fridays sleeping film festival, Cshhharrrllie, bike ridings, the best game shop ever, THE BEST GUITAR SHOP EVER, not a sign...WHAAAAARRREEEEVEEEEEEEERRRRRR.

Whatever dude. Just say that I am sorry for this lasts days. I've been extremely busy in the lab and although I could not be with you much time I tried to make your lasts days here as comfortable as I could. But I would really like have spent more time with you.
One day we talked about the concept of the Honor and I think we both agreed about our opinion. This 6 months with you have been an Honor!

I honestly wish you the best my friend. Let you know that Elena “owns” a treasure!

Hope to see you soon. Hope to be able one day to show you my favorites catalan spots and of course, mushrooms hunting session!

I will really miss you douchebag! Just take the amulet to the banana cake Charlie!

"Whip Wine"

"Decapitated Camels"